Sunday, August 19, 2007

I Go To Meet My Doom. Again.

The above is what the class ahead of us did for the pre-graduation hootenany on Friday. It is a taste of what my classmates and I will be doing in less than three weeks, when we finish the class that we start tomorrow (Monday).

It is the class, and the chef, that above all others I dread. Chocolates.

Nevermind that my hate-hate relationship with chocolate has been well-chronicled on this blog. The chef who teaches the class is an internationally-known superdude on the topic, but he has the appearance and mannerism of a Bond villain (and an old school Bond villain at that). His speech pattern reminds me of a middle-aged James Mason playing the evil yet ettiquette-obsessed genius. He speaks quietly, in full sentences, with just a touch of imperiousness and a malevolent gleam in his eyes.

In his online pre-day one notes he warns against "internecine conflict" among the teams.

Internecine conflict? As much as I love all the chefs I’ve had, I don’t see any of them whipping out the five star vocab just cuz.

While every chef posts pre-day one notes online for incoming classes, it’s tradition for the group leader of every class to go to the chef the week before class starts to see if there is anything she needs to know.

On Tuesday, when our group leader went to Darth Chocolate to ask, you know, if there is anything she needed to know, his icy reply was "well, you can read, can’t you?"

Oh boy. Chocolate and a chef who’s channeling Grand Moff Tarkin. It’s going to be a long three weeks.

The good news is that I’ve been paired with Mandilicious, one of my favorite people in the class, a hard worker with a great sense of humor. Whew.

Because something tells me I’m going to need a lot of humor to get through this class.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like I said before, watch "The Devil Loves Prada."