Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So, I've Been Wondering...

This is totally off-topic, but I know I'm not the only one who's noticed that all the women/older girls at that polygamist sect compound in Texas look like Nellie Olsen. I've been kind of obsessed by it... that hair, especially. If I joined their whacky Talibanesque cult, uhm, excuse me, totally legitimate sect, would I also have thick luxurious tresses that I could sculpt into massive old-timey pouf-braids?

In any case, if, like me, you are fascinated by the fashion coming out of that compound, check this out. If you have somehow missed it, YahooNews has a great slideshow. It's like the spring collection at Milan, only not.

Tomorrow: polygamy-free news about creme fraiche and an intern cook-off! (No, sadly, we did not cook the interns. They cooked for us, which wasn't nearly as exciting.)

1 comment:

Dr. Virago said...

I get all my real news from the radio, so I hadn't seen the pictures. And ZOMG! I had no idea how accurate Nicki's hair on Big Love was! (The neighbor across the street calls her "the Braid"!) And those women look *just like* the women on the "compound" in that show. Let's hear it for accuracy in TV hair! :)