Go to WeatherPixie to get your own weather pixie, weather goth or even weather geisha to reflect the weather conditions of wherever you live!
Now, if only I could figure out how to put my pixie in the sidebar... I've tried a bunch of different things on the Blogger Dashboard, but nothing worked. Any tips?
Go to your blogger dashboard. Click on "layout." Click on "add an element" and choose HTML/Java Script Third-Party element. Once there, give it a title if you wish and copy and paste the HTML or Java script that I assume Weather Pixie gave you when you finished designing yours. Then click save and move it around your layout where you want it.
You are wise, DrV... your comments mirrored those I found on the help pages and messageboards, but the language was slightly different and none of those options appeared on my dashboard. I thought "she's probably using a different version then the others" and bingo! I realized I was probably using a different version.
I haven't updated my template since restarting the blog, so all the "add page element" and tag options I kept hearing about weren't appearing on my dashboard.
So I upgraded to a new (but identical-looking) template and voila, the "add page element" option appeared.
As you can see, drunk with power, adding my Weather Pixie wasn't enough so I had to add two of my fave photos.
I love me some redheaded pirates! Arrrrr!
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