Monday, May 19, 2008

Moose on the Loose

When the weather is good here, it's outrageously wonderful. Such was today, so I skipped cleaning my thumbnail-sized apartment and doing laundry in favor of taking Sir Smalls on a car ride and a couple hikes.

I had hoped to get up to a reservoir that's at 10,000 feet, almost right on the Divide, but alas the last five miles of road was snow, mud and potholes that might have swallowed whole my much-abused Focus.

On the plus side, as I was doing a 90-point U-turn on the steep, narrow, muddy road, I saw Something Big just to the side. It was a moose...

I saw three moose idling by the side of the road driving home from work last week, but they were girls and calves and just not as impressive as Big Boy over here. After driving a safe distance back down the mountain, I took Wiley for a walkies along a logging road where we saw plenty of evidence of other mooses... meese... moosi in the area. Keep in mind that I have big hands for a girl due to my height... I wear a men's large glove.

Then we drove to the Indian Peaks Wilderness and were able to walk along an old mining road that, last time we visited, was covered with six feet of snow.

Wiley was, as usual, doggedly keeping up with me though I think he was hot and tired and sore. No complaints from the old little scrapper. And the view at the end was worth it:


Anonymous said...

I love all the wiley walking through the wilderness pictures you take. If I were you I'd publish a photograph book "Wiley meanders through the country".

Tommy said...

I can see it on the coffee table now: "Travels with Wiley." Or perhaps, "The Freewheelin' Wiley"...