Friday, December 7, 2007

I Laminate, Therefore I Am

The teaching assistant in my last class, when I was The Laminator, finally e-mailed the photo he took of my laminated danish, which made the "Top Ten" Wall of Fame in the bakeshop.
The very last day of class, Chef, who has a way with words (among other things, he told me I had to be food steward and take out trash every day "so you get to practice and eventually get good at it." Thanks, Chef.), said "Hopefully you took notes so that you'll remember how to laminate, because now you have a skill. Now you have value."

Again, thanks, Chef. At last I have value. Anyone hears of an opening for an ace food steward/trash collector/laminator, hook me up.

Here is proof of my value:
For baking folks looking at the photo, you'll get it, and maybe even give me kudos (you think this is awesome?? You should see me take out the trash!).
For non-bakers, to get this kind of even honeycomb, you have to keep the dough and the butter layers at the right temperatures, relax them a certain way at certain times, remember to remove excess flour and fold properly and yadda yadda yah. It's complicated. But if Chef was happy, I'm happy.
Funny thing is, I may have nailed lamination, but my dinner rolls still suck.

1 comment:

Dr. Virago said...

In academic administrator parlance, you now have value *added*, which always reminds me of the VAT in England. Hmmm, I wonder if I could turn you in for a refund. :)

And I'm glad you did another post on lamination, because after the last one I thought maybe you were wrapping Danishes and rolls in shrink-wrap! Bullock explained it to me, but it's still helpful to see a picture of your mad skillz. Congratulations on your value!