Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Pastry Pirate's Book/Movie Club

Hey, if Oprah can have one...

Anyway, I just wanted to recommend the book "The Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan, if you haven't read it already. I'm halfway through and utterly riveted. It touches on everything from industrial agriculture and the obesity epidemic to the sex life of corn (much, much more fascinating than you might think) and the lie of "organic"... of course, it makes me feel like I can't in good conscience eat or cook with anything I didn't grow myself, but it makes for thought-provoking, well-sourced reading. He's a pretty funny guy, too.

In the movie department, rent "Vatel" if you are in the mood for a period piece about a French pastry-chef-turned-steward during the Sun King's reign. Plus it's got Tim Roth as, what else, the depraved, repulsive and thoroughly villain. One of our instructors at school had recommended it, and I finally found a copy. Vatel was a real guy, by the way, and has the distinction of being one of the first "named" pastry chefs in history.

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